A Guide to Physics
Physics encompasses the entire world from the smallest stars to the largest sub atomic particles. It is the basis for many other sciences, such as astronomy, geology, chromatography, chemistry, nuclear engineering, and computer science (which often utilize some physics principles as well). Students learn not only facts about the world but how to describe it, test it, explain it, or interpret it in a particular way. It may be viewed as one of the most important fields of study for those in any given field.
We are living in a universe governed by laws of physics. Law of physics is actually a general description of how the universe behaves when observed. These laws state what happens in specific situations. Physics considers time, space, matter, energy, and even virtual objects such as Planck’s Constant. A law of physics is often used to describe the behavior of objects at a microscopic level.
Physics distinguishes between matter, which include atoms, molecules, stars, planets, and black holes, and energy, which include plants, animals, rocks, and so on. It also describes processes that produce these objects at the microscopic level. Two different concepts that play an essential role in physics are gravity and radiation.
In order to describe the behavior of sub-atomic particles, all that is required is the familiar theory of special relativity, or simply relativity. Special relativity describes the relations between mass and velocity, both measured in units of time and space. The relationship between mass and velocity is actually described by a set of physical laws, the prime example of which is the law of Newton. Another well known and widely accepted physical law is the theory of relativity, which is the idea that all objects travel in a similar fashion.
Quantum physics, on the other hand, is the subject of intense controversy. Most scientists believe that it is impossible for the world to function with anything other than natural laws and a mind of its own. To be more precise, theists claim that physics are self-existing, apart from human interference. atheists claim that the laws of physics are necessary but inescapable. Although both sides have solid grounds for their arguments, many people have no interest in either side, and instead choose to follow a natural philosophy of physics.
Natural philosophy of physics makes use of an approach that goes beyond the observational evidence of specific events to search for general laws or principles that govern the workings of the entire universe. An example of this approach is the work of Albert Einstein, who unified space, time, and accelerated motion with general laws of thermodynamics, the study of energy. Because Einstein’s laws explain how objects retain their energy despite expansion and friction, they also can explain how clocks located far apart can synchronize with each other. With these powerful tools, Einstein helped to lay the groundwork for modern engineering and scientific research.
A central tenet of modern physics is the theory of relativity, which postulates that the laws of physics are static, regardless of whether those laws were formulated by a scientist a century ago or by someone who saw an object a hundred years ago. Relativity describes how the laws of physics behave in different locations, and it enables modern humans to bend reality to their will by using clocks, satellites, and other devices to measure time and space. Although relativity has been repeatedly demonstrated to be correct, some modern physicists question its general nature, claiming that there are other factors affecting the behaviour of objects.
Modern physics has produced amazing achievements in technology, medicine, and science, including such innovations as the electric motor, the computer, and the television. Physicists continue to strive for knowledge, power, and space travel. They have made great strides in discovering the nature of the universe, the makeup of matter, and the ultimate nature of being. The application of physics in the real world has produced phenomenal results, which make it one of the leading sciences of our time.